| DAIHAN-brand® Precise Shaking Incubators, “ThermoStableTM IS-30”, Front Door-type, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃ with Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, Orbital Motion, Advanced Shaking Mechanism, Precise Speed Control, 30~250 rpm 진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 전면도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지제어, Universal Platform 포함 | Барааны код : DH18CAT06661821 | ₮ 10,047,000 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® Precise Shaking Incubators, “ThermoStableTM IS-20”, BenchTop-type, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃ with Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, Orbital Motion, Advanced Shaking Mechanism, Precise Speed Control, 30~250 rpm 진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 벤치 탑 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal Platform 포함 | Барааны код : DH18CAT06681822 | ₮ 10,403,200 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® Precise Shaking Incubators, “ThermoStableTM IS-10”, Top Door-type, Orbital Motion with Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, with or without illuminators & Recorder, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃, 30~250 rpm 진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 탑 도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal Platform 포함, with Certi. & Traceability | Барааны код : DH18CAT06701823 | ₮ 13,779,800 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® Multi-Stack Refrigerated Shaking Incubator, “WIS-ML”, Orbital Motion, with 2-/4-Universal Platform with Universal Platform, Digital Fuzzy Control, 2 or 4 Independent Shaking Speed Control, 10~60℃, 30~250 rpm, 2-/4- Stacks 대형 멀티 진탕 배양기, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, 2-/4-Universal Platform 포함 | Барааны код : DH18CAT06721824 | ₮ 37,601,000 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® Precise Shaking Incubators, “ThermoStable™ IS-30”, Front Door-type, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃with Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, Orbital Motion, Advanced Shaking Mechanism, Precise Speed Control, 30~250 진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 전면도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지제어, Universal Platform 포함 ▷Model No: ThermoStable IS-30, IS-30R ▷Model No(구): WIS-30, WIS-30R | Барааны код : N05042000008085 | ₮ 10,047,000 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® Precise Shaking Incubators, “ThermoStable™ IS-20”, BenchTop-type, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃with Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, , Orbital Motion, Advanced Shaking Mechanism, Precise Speed Control, 30~250rpm진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 벤치 탑 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal Platform 포함 ▷Model No: ThermoStable IS-20, IS-20R ▷Model No(구): WIS-20, WIS-20R | Барааны код : N05042000008086 | ₮ 10,403,200 | |
| DAIHAN-brand Precise Shaking Incubators, “ThermoStable™ IS-10”, Top Door-type, Orbital Motionwith Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, with or without illuminators & Recorder, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃, 30~250rpm진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, Universal Platform 포함, with Certi. & Traceability ▷Model No: ThermoStable IS-10, IS-10R, IS-10RL ▷Model No(구): WIS-10, WIS-10R, WIS-10RL | Барааны код : N05042000008087 | ₮ 13,779,800 | |
| DAIHAN-brand Multi-Stack Refrigerated Shaking Incubator, “WIS-ML”, Orbital Motion, with Certi. & Traceabilitywith Universal Platform, Digital Fuzzy Control, 2 or 4 Independent Shaking Speed Control, 10~60℃, 30~250 rpm, 2-/4- Stacks대형 멀티 진탕 배양기, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, 2-/4-Universal Platfom 포함 | Барааны код : N05042000008088 | ₮ 37,601,000 | |
| DAIHAN Precise Shaking Incubator, “WIS-20”, BenchTop-type, Orbital Motion, up to 60℃ | Барааны код : PDNN18090400003 | ₮ 0 | |