| DAIHAN-brand® High-Speed Analog Overhead Stirrers, “HS-A”, for Low-/Middle-Viscosity, Max.10/20Lit, Max. 3,000rpm with “Push-Through” Shaft(Φ8mm or Less) and Chuck grip Φ3~10mm, Flex-Coupling Φ6~12mm, up to 50,000 mPas 아날로그 고속 교반기, 저/중점도용, 사용교반봉 ; ①기본은Φ3~10mm, ②관통은Φ3~8mm, & ③별도의 Flex-Coupling 활용시Φ6~12mm | Барааны код : DH18CAT10542872 | ₮ 1,602,200 | |
| Flexible Couplings, for Safety Stirring of Φ6~12mm Shafts of Overhead Stirrers for Stirrers between Stirring Motor and Shaft, 안전교반용 유연성 카푸링 | Барааны код : DH18CAT10542873 | ₮ 47,500 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® High-Speed Digital Overhead Stirrers, “HS-D”, for Low-/Middle-Viscosity, Max.10/20Lit, Max. 3,000rpm with “Push-Through” Shaft(Φ8mm or Less) and Chuck grip Φ3~10mm, Flex-Coupling Φ6~12mm, up to 50,000 mPas 디지털 고속 교반기, 저/중점도용, 사용교반봉 ; ①기본은Φ3~10mm, ②관통은Φ3~8mm, & ③별도의 Flex-Coupling 활용시Φ6~12mm | Барааны код : DH18CAT10552874 | ₮ 2,413,600 | |
| Flexible Couplings, for Safety Stirring of Φ6~12mm Shafts of Overhead Stirrers for Stirrers between Stirring Motor and Shaft, 안전교반용 유연성 카푸링 | Барааны код : DH18CAT10552875 | ₮ 47,500 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® Remote Controlled High-Speed Digital Overhead Stirrer, “HS-T”, for Low-/Middle-Viscosity, Max. 3,000 rpm with “Push-Through” Shaft(Φ8mm or Less) and Chuck grip Φ3~10mm, Flex-Coupling Φ6~12mm, up to 50,000 mPas 원격조절식 디지털 고속 교반기, 저/중점도용, 사용교반봉 ; ①기본은Φ3~10mm, ②관통은Φ3~8mm, & ③별도의 Flex-Coupling 활용시Φ6~12mm | Барааны код : DH18CAT10562876 | ₮ 2,298,100 | |
| Flexible Couplings, for Safety Stirring of Φ6~12mm Shafts of Overhead Stirrers for Stirrers between Stirring Motor and Shaft, 안전교반용 유연성 카푸링 | Барааны код : DH18CAT10562877 | ₮ 47,500 | |
| DAIHAN-brand High-Torque Analog Overhead Stirrer, “HT-AX”, for Middle-/High-Viscosity, Max.50-/80-Lit, Max.1,000rpm with “Push-Through” Shaft(Φ10mm or Less) and Chuck grip 6~12mm, Flex-Coupling Φ6~16mm, 150,000 mPas 아날로그 중/고점도용 강력교반기, 사용교반봉 ; ①기본은Φ6~12mm, ②관통은Φ6~10mm, & ③별도의 Flex-Coupling 활용시Φ6~16mm | Барааны код : DH18CAT10572878 | ₮ 1,771,000 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® High-Torque Digital Overhead Stirrer, “HT-DX”, for Middle-/High-Viscosity, Max.50-/80-Lit, Max.1,000rpm with “Push-Through” Shaft(Φ10mm or Less) and Chuck grip 6~12mm, Flex-Coupling Φ6~16mm, 150,000 mPas 아날로그 중/고점도용 강력교반기, 사용교반봉 ; ①기본은Φ6~12mm, ②관통은Φ6~10mm, & ③별도의 Flex-Coupling 활용시Φ6~16mm | Барааны код : DH18CAT10582880 | ₮ 2,124,600 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® Remote Control Hi-Torque Digital Overhead Stirrer, “HT-T”, for Middle-/High-Viscosity, Max.50-/80-/100-Lit with “Push-Through”Shaft(Φ10mm or Less) and Chuck grip 6~12mm, Flex-Coupling Φ6~16mm, 160,000 mPas, Max.1,000rpm 원격조절식 디지털 중/고점도용 강력교반기, 사용교반봉 ; ①기본은Φ6~12mm, ②관통은Φ6~10mm, & ③별도의 Flex-Coupling 활용시Φ8~16mm | Барааны код : DH18CAT10592882 | ₮ 2,727,800 | |
| DAIHAN-brand® Digital Jar Tester, “JT-M6C”, 6-Paddle Stirrer for Flocculation Test, 300 rpm, with Certi. & Traceability with Programmable Digital Feedback Control, 6 Impellers, 6 Independent Light Source, up to 6×1Lit. Beakers 프로그램/디지털 자 테스터, 정밀 직류 기어드 모터와 특화된 타이밍벨트, 디지털 피드백 컨트롤 | Барааны код : DH18CAT10602883 | ₮ 7,299,700 | |